
Pinchy Jeek Barl Ale

Pinchy Jeek Barl Ale
Our bourbon barrel-aged Fall Hornin’ is pleasantly creamy with a silky body and sweet caramel flavor. The aging process imparts notes of coconut, vanilla, and oak to compliment the tang of the spices and a hint of hops, all wrapped in a smooth, round finish.

Brewery Beers
Fall Hornin'
Thribble Currant
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Summer Solstice
Huge Arker Bourbon Barrel Imperial Stout

Pinchy Jeek Barl Ale
Our bourbon barrel-aged Fall Hornin’ is pleasantly creamy with a silky body and sweet caramel flavor. The aging process imparts notes of coconut, vanilla, and oak to compliment the tang of the spices and a hint of hops, all wrapped in a smooth, round finish.

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