
Powder Hound Winter Ale

Powder Hound Winter Ale
Two words describe Montana winters... Cold, dark, and snowy. And we wouldn't have it any other way, because it's the only time of year for Powder Hound, our Northern Rockies Winter Ale. Rich malt taste and an avalanche of hops will make you want to say these three words- \I'll have another Powder Hound!\" Since Powder Hound is our own creation

Powder Hound Winter Ale
Two words describe Montana winters... Cold, dark, and snowy. And we wouldn't have it any other way, because it's the only time of year for Powder Hound, our Northern Rockies Winter Ale. Rich malt taste and an avalanche of hops will make you want to say these three words- \I'll have another Powder Hound!\" Since Powder Hound is our own creation
